Thursday, April 29, 2010


Now I dont want you to think that I enjoy blogging about bathrooms or for that matter that thats all I think about. It just so happens, I have one more bathroom story to tell you.

Okay so this morning I went to the bathrooms on my floor, the stalls were all taken and I wasnt about to tinkle in my pants so I made my way to the 'Mi Vida Loca' bathrooms on the 4th floor. I open the door to find one stall occupied, no biggie. So I hear this buzzing sound and its pretty loud. There is still some occasional construction going on at the airport so I figured maybe someones building something? I dunno. Im in my stall putting the seat cover down and Im looking up at the ceiling thinking the buzzing is coming from the air duct. NOPE! I was cant be. The damn buzzing sound was coming from the stall next to me. Now Im no perv and my mind is not in the gutter but come on, if you were in a bathroom and you hear a buzzing coming from a stall would you or would you not automatically think...VIBRATOR!?!?!?! Okay maybe its just me. I was like WTF!?!? are you serious? at work? and you know damn well you heard me come into the bathroom...NO SHAME! I tinkled, all I heard was buzzing until I heard her fumbling for some toilet paper. I was like *gag* this broad better not be...handling her business right next to me. I flush and go wash my hands, stalling long enough to see who comes out and with what. So this girl comes out with a bag and a smile on her face like, "HI!" and I smiled and was like...whoa!

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT BUZZING!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!! Its bugging me and I know damn well she wasnt being MacGyver up in there building some kind of something...

Man...its really making me think..I must find this woman and ask her, my question needs answering! ha ha ha


Rowena said...

No frickin way! That is hilarious! Did you say anything to her? I doubt I'd be able to not say anything to her.

I just thought of all the ladies here at work and they're all older and if I caught them doing something suspicious, I would die laughing.

Selase said...

What the heck was that buzzing!?!?! WE WANNA KNOW!!!.... You should of kicked open the stall door... LOL!

cuteepiety said...

she was probably pumping breast milk....the electric breast pumps make a buzzing sound...

LoL believe me I used to be that same girl in the bathroom stall!

Kat said...

omg... ewwwwww... she has needs, leave her alone... maybe she's in a long distance relationship... haa haa haa