Friday, July 16, 2010

Thumbs UP for broken bones!

Okay its a full fledged break! Well a piece of my bone broke off and is just kickin it there. My primary doctor told me okay you will just need to go to see the orthopedic surgeon and they'll probably just put a splint on it.....

uhhhh that dont look like no splint to me...DAMN LIAR!

3 weeks of looking like a transformer....and NO there isnt more than meets the eye...thumb casts suck!
Nothing like 100 degree heat with what feels like 40 socks wrapped around your arm to make you feel nice and sweaty. PERFECT!


Rowena said...

Oh holy goodness, that sucks. How did you break it?

Meekz said...

my short stop threw me a fast ball at 1st and as I was catching it with my left I tried to cover with my right and the ball hit my thumb and bent it waaaaay back at the joint. A piece of bone broke off at the base of my thumb and is just kickin it there... yay me!

Selase said...

So this means you're not playing on Sunday?...

Meekz said...

LOL very funny! Actually I can play as DH and use my club hand to bat!! ha ha ha

Bevsthename said...

awww!!!!! That hella sucks LOL I feel your pain! Hoping you have a speedy recovery! Miss you beautifu!